The biggest tragedy

Jesus reminds as from the word not to pursue the glories of the world because that will leave us only tiring, wanting, unsatisfied and empty. The true life and meaning of life are only found in Jesus. God alone is true source of life.

Heart of Service

How do you respond when you see a pressing need for service? Do you wait for someone to be assigned to fulfil it or would you be ready to take the initiative. What if it was beneath your status on beyond the role assigned to you?

Fear Not

I trust Jesus because He has created me, formed me, redeemed me and called me by my name (Isaiah 43:1).

Persistent prayer

Jesus encourages us to ask persistently without ceasing. Ask so that name of the Lord would be glorified. Ask so that many people around us would be served. Ask so that the world would see God.

follow me

When He called them to leave their nets, He was calling them to abandon their possessions. When He called them to leave their father in the boat by himself, He was calling them to abandon their family and friends. Ultimately, Jesus was calling them to abandon themselves

Repenting Believer

Gospel of Jesus not just about the forgiveness of sin and punishment, it is also about the deliverance from the sin, your past sinful life style. Repentance without faith could become remorse, and remorse can destroy people who carry a burden of guilt. Bible constantly reminds us we are saved by faith through the Grace of God.

Gospel of God

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that God provided the way for man to be freed from the penalty of sin (John 14:6; Romans 6:23).

Our greatest Possession

What is our greatest possession? Are we possessed by the possessions? Jesus said we cannot serve both God and money; in another word we can’t serve both God and richness of the world. Everything in the world should serve us to fulfill the purpose of God in us