Luke 5:15-16 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

This scripture portion says that “the good news of the kingdom of God was spreading all the more and crowds of people started coming to him for healing, but bible says even then Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Jesus must have busy because now many seeking for him, but he is not too busy to pray. This must be the reason why disciples asked Jesus to tach them how to pray. Jesus prayed in all situation because he always wanted to be connected with the father doing His will for the glory of God.

Jesus guaranteed disciples that if they would love and obey him and ask anything in the name of Jesus it shall be given to them so that father may be glorified in son (John 14:15,16). Jesus spoke about the importance about the persistent, fervent prayer through parable about a friend requesting for the bread for the guest. There we see the friend is knocking at the door of his friend until the door was opened so that he could serve his guest who had come home. So, Jesus encourages us to ask persistently without ceasing. Ask so that name of the Lord would be glorified. Ask so that many people around us would be served. Ask so that the world would see God. Rejoice, give thanks and ask without ceasing in all situations.(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Prayer is so important in the life of child of God that we won’t be able survive without it. Just how oxygen to the body so the prayer is for our spiritual life. Jesus warned disciples that their flesh is weak but and if they don’t pray, they would fall; Jesus prayed for peter so that his faith may not fail (Luke 22:31). We live in a time where we human being has lost control over the situation. Pandemic is engulfing our land and its bit scary when we think about it. But in midst all these situation God requires us of to pray without being anxious about the situation (Philippians 4:6). Let’s present this situation to God because our God is merciful and Good. He alone can heal our land.

Ezekiel 22:30 we read about God searching for someone intercede behalf of land so that he wouldn’t destroy it, but unfortunately God found none. Even today God is looking for people who would stand in the gap praying, seeking the face of the Lord so that he could forgive us and heal our land. Can we pray more than what we used to do? can we set apart sometime from our busy schedule to pray as Jesus did? Can we pray for the healing of our land? Can we stand in the gap so that he would forgive us for the sake of His name? Bible says if we continue to do that God will surely stretch his healing hand to heal our land. We shall see glorious days.