Equal but Distinct Role

The Biblical pattern for male and female is equality of worth at the same time as difference of role in the family, in the church and in society.


Both Man and woman equal: equal in creation, equal in sin, equal in hell-deserving, equal in grace, equal in glory, equal in value, equal in importance, equal in significance.**

Man shouldn't be alone

God has brought the right person for your life and we must work together to bless and keep everything under our dominion.

Marriage: One flesh Mystery

In Genesis 2:24, when the marriage covenant is ordained, man and woman are designated as "one flesh"—one unit

Are you ready?

Have you got the wedding clothes prepared and ready? Are you wearing them?

Marriage: A covenant

Marriage is a covenant and not a contract. Marriage is intended to be commitment to which we maintain trust and fidelity until separated by death.

Marriage: God Ordained

when we see the account of man’s creation and the union of man and women, we see God involved in the entire processes. God has defined, dignified and sanctified the marriage by declaring them as one.

Food that disciples didn’t know about

What was this food Jesus talking about? Jesus said to “Do the will of the father is the food” that disciples didn’t know about.