Be rich in Christ

In the gospel of Luke (Luke 12: 16-21) – Jesus gives a parable - titles as “Rich Fool” – this may sound like an oxymoron to us as we live in a culture where we tend to see being rich as brave.

The Greatest Hope

Are you in that position where you have tried various things but you still have the void in your heart only enlarging? Don’t give up – God has a greater plan about your life.

Jesus is the Lord

The world is battling one of the worst crisis in modern history, the effects of which is yet to be seen and experienced fully. As Christians, we are not immune to fear and panic. Anxiety is part of human existence.

The Lord is mighty

Psalm 93 begins by proclaiming a maxim: "The Lord Reigns!" As we read on, we can see that the psalmist is evidently in the midst of a great crisis.

Who Is This Man?

Faith is not a celebration of God's mercies in the absence of suffering, rather it's knowing who God is in and through the crises of your life.

Messed up: is there any hope left for me?

Have you hit a rock – bottom in your life or do you feel there is no U-Turn from the way you have gone? Don't give up, there is hope.

Significance of Revival! Latter Rain!

What is the significance of revival? Does the Bible talk about an end time revival? What Does it take for a revival?

Men of Issachar

They understood the times. They knew what Israel should do. They were wise men.