Live By The Word Of God

At this point Jesus was hungry and was needed of some food. Jesus didn’t do what devil asked him to do rather He said man shall not live by the bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Truth Be Told

Jesus said the truth shall set you free. To the lost and marginalised the words of Jesus were comforting but to many Jewish leaders His words were disturbing. Truth can be heart breaking or it can become soothing/ consoling to our heart. Eternal life through Jesus is the greatest and hopeful truth ever told to world. what we do when hard truth is told to us. How do we respond to the truths that would ask us to change the pattern of our comfortable life style?

Arise and Shine, Your Light Has Come

The message of Jesus’ birth was spread to different group of people. Shepherds ,wise men, king, Simeon the righteous and devout, Anna a prophetess and to Mary, Joseph and their families too.

Journey that worth

They never knew why all this happens at this stage because angel hasn’t informed them about this journey. But Mary knew she is carrying the saviour of the world, her creator, the very fulfillment of the promises God made to her forefathers.

Beginning of the Great Transformation (Miraculous conception)

The child formed in Mary’s womb is the Son of Living God and his name would Immanuel means “God with us” and he came to save the people from the sin. He would reign on the Throne of the David for ever and his kingdom will never end (2 Samuel 7:16).

Chosen and separated for the Master

When God chooses; he equips. God didn’t choose us because we are qualified but he qualifies the one who is called. He prepares us for His purpose. God empowered john the Baptist for the ministry.

Prayer of a Righteous

The faith of Zechariah and Elizabeth in God didn’t waver and walked blamelessly, even when their prayer was not answered.

The Unsung heroes of faith

Jesus encouraged His followers to “rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20)