All of us worship someone or something and We worship what we value the most. Devil shown Jesus the glories of the world and he said everything can be Jesus’, only Jesus needs to fall down and worship him. But Jesus resisted the temptation and replied “Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” (Deuteronomy 6:13)
Devil is continuing this method to lure people towards the temporary glories of the world. And many around the globe choose to worship the created things than the creator. Jesus didn’t fall into this temptation because He saw something beyond what our eyes could see. Devil failed in his scheme because being the son of God he always knew the greatest glory he had with the father even before the beginning of all the creations. But many falls into this temptation because of wrong purposes in our life. If possessing material things is the purpose that driving us then its first step towards the destruction.
What is our greatest possession? Are we possessed by the possessions? Jesus said we cannot serve both God and money; in another word we can’t serve both God and richness of the world. Everything in the world should serve us to fulfil the purpose of God in us. Whatever may be that thing good thing that we pursue can actually become an idol if that becomes more important than God.
Abraham saw something which his nephew Lot couldn’t see; Abraham saw a city that had foundations and whose builder was God himself. Lot saw the beautiful land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Moses chooses to be mistreated by the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.
Bible says those who worship him should Love Him with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Jesus is not asking something in our life but he is asking for everything. God has greater things in stored for you that is beyond this temporary world and may God enable you to use everything for the Glory of God alone. When God is our greatest possession then the devil will fail to tempt us to worship anything other than our God himself.